
Who is (Laina) Lines and what am I all about?

I work in the web communications world and am always striving for fun and creativity in my life.  I started this blog many years ago in 2008.  It was more of a diary to release my frustrations or jot down random thoughts.  (I tend to be inside my head a lot).  My hope is that my new blog will be a reflection of me, things I love, cool tips, struggles I go through and maybe you can relate!  There will be posts on food, travel, knitting, running... 

I've always had a love for food but in the last few years discovered my inner foodie.  I enjoy trying new restaurants and recipes.  Still trying to learn to eat healthier (I still do love my McDonalds fixes...forgive me, I'm only human!)

I wear my heart on my sleeve.  I laugh A LOT.  I enjoy food a LITTLE too much.  I'm a bit shy at first.  I take pictures of everything.  I will do anything for my family/friends.  I am naive.  I am an optimist.  I believe that LOVE cures all.

I'm also a self-help junkie who is always looking to improve herself.  I've also always had secret dreams of being a DJ - which are no longer so secret ;)  Funny enough, the only hobby that has ever stuck with me is knitting.  I'm a newbie knitter, learning how to read patterns and it's the most relaxing hobby I've ever had.

I am surrounded by an amazing family, wonderful boy (D) and a close knit group of friends.  I have so much love, support & encouragement in my life that most days, I feel like the luckiest girl in the world.

Why Lines?

My close friends call me Lines.  It was a nickname given to me in high school and it kinda stuck :)

Why Confessions of a Wanderlust?

I've always thought of myself as a seeker.  What I was looking for...I don't know!  My heart never felt settled unless I was exploring something new.  I felt most at home when I was exploring a new city and always felt the urge to go somewhere...anywhere!  Someone once told me that I loved "newness", which pretty much hits the nail on the head, since I'm always craving new experiences and will try (ALMOST) anything once!

At times, it's hard for me to fathom that I'm going to live in one place for the rest of my life.  The wanderlust in me wants to travel and learn more about far-away places and cultures.  But, if I have to settle in one spot for now, I'm happy that it's Calgary.  All my loved ones are here and heck, it's a GREAT city - if you dig a little deep. :)  Right now, I feel like I'm exactly where I'm suppose to be - and for a wanderer, that's an AMAZING accomplishment!

My Outlook on Life

Life is WAY too short to NOT spend it doing something you LOVE.  Being with people you love.  Surround yourself with positive people and you will always feel happy!  I'm on a journey to a more balanced and healthy lifestyle.  Note I said, LIFESTYLE.  It's not about a diet or a challenge for a month or two, it's a lifestyle change and I'm ready to make it!

Some words to live by this year: Take too many pictures, laugh too much, forgive freely and love like you’ve never been hurt. Because every second you spend angry or upset, is a second of happiness you can never get back!

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